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A Cross Disciplinary Curriculum

A Cross

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We believe the lawyers of tomorrow will also be experts in business, communications, health, technology, international studies, social work, and education. As an essential part of the University of Pennsylvania family, we allow our students to enrich their legal education by offering graduate level courses at one of our sister schools as well as joint degrees or certificates of study.

Explore Joint Degrees
Real World Career Success

Real World
Career Success

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The Law School is the number one law school for career outcomes and placements in the United States. The strength of our programs coupled with our deep alumni network ensure that graduates can enter the market working in the fields they love, writing the future of law both nationally and internationally.

See Our Career Outcomes
A Collegial Environment

A Collegial

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When you are accepted into the Law School, you are accepted into a greater community that is focused on one common goal: forging the future of law. We invite students, faculty, and staff to challenge the norm in a rigorous but supportive environment. For many in our community, the Law School represents a common ground where warmth, inclusivity, and the pursuit of knowledge are shared values.

Find Yourself in Our Community
Pro Bono & Public Service

Pro Bono &
Public Service

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Service for the public good has always been an essential feature of legal education at the Law School. Our award-winning commitment to public service is a source of pride and a tremendous opportunity for our students to gain valuable experience while doing good for the world.

Discover Our Commitment

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Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews…

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Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews…

Publication Title Here Mattis Ullper Velit In Felis Quis Tortor Pretium Velit In

Over 35 Joint Degree Programs offered

76% of the Class of 2019 completed a joint degree certification or program

Offering degrees across 9 out of 12 schools at the University of Pennsylvania

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